Player is forced forward in a short brust. This is basic ability to get easier over certain obsticles or exploid challanging places.
Gain speed for few seconds and get away from your opponent.
Cheat death by blinking over obsticles or your enemys traps.
Move forward like an electric bolt. While transformed into bolt you are invincible against any attack, slow or obstacle. This comes at a great cost though as it burns 0.5 mana per short distance travelled. You can HOLD ability button as long as you have enough mana.
Slow your opponent with powerfull tunder and set them on fire.
Creates a cloud of smoke when used. Hide difficult obsticles to annoy your enemy.
Stop your opponent for short amout of time.
When used it will mark the position of your enemy. After short amount of time, he will be returned to this position. Useful when you want your opponent to pass hard obstacle two times.
Defence ability protecting against slowing obsticles. Run through torn on normal speed.
Repel any opponents attack while enabled.
Cast silence on your opponent and he will not be able to use any spell for few seconds.
Teleports you next to your enemy. This is great defense ability when you are very far behind.